
I feel called to meditate, my "inner longing" calling out for more attention and direction. Doing a Vipassana retreat has been on my list (a low priority item) for a while. I looked up their website and turns out they have many retreats every year. In fact they have a center in Shelburne, MA. So some time next year I am going to do it.

So naturally I borrowed a couple of books on meditation from the library. One of them is this wonderful little book by Gunilla Norris, a meditation teacher and psychotherapist, called "Inviting Silence: Universal Principles of Meditation". The intro has this great paragraph:
Throughout the years I have found that beneath whatever we might think our discontent is, we very much need three things: an awareness of our inner longing. . . the courage to act on behalf of that longing. . . and a sense of community to support and maintain our interior journey.
For now I am going to do just that, inviting silence, focusing on my breath, quieting down my manic mind and just watching my inner play.


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