Money Games

An excerpt from Van Tharp's "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" (page 15, 2nd edition):

"...[M]ost people lose the money game because they follow somebody else's rules for how to win the game. Perhaps you win when you become a millionaire or a billionaire. But if that's the case, most people lose.

Or perhaps you win if you have the most toys or the best toys. And if you play the game right, you can buy each toy now if the down payment and the monthly payments are low enough. Well, if you follow that rule, you'll be led down the path of financial slavery as you acquire more and more consumer debt.

....My solution to this is to adopt new rules. Financial freedom occurs when your passive income (income that comes in when your money works for you) is greater than your monthly expenses... It's that easy, and anyone with enough desire and commitment can do it." [my emphasis]

First become aware of the money game you are playing. Then, if it is not serving you and your life-purpose, choose a different game. Choose a game that will further your life-purpose and life-goals. In any case, do not play games that you did not choose to play. Truly profound and revolutionary ideas!


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