Here Wii Go

We were at Manisha's cousin's place and I played DDR for the first time ever. It was so much fun! We kept playing "The Sign" over and over and over again (such a great dancing song!). Supriya and I made it to C once. It was D all the rest of the time. A great workout and wonderful social activity. Now the kids are hounding us to get the Wii. (Here's today's interesting story about the Wii Fit.)


Lynne said…
Wii love Wii! Wii don't have it yet, but love the DDR portion. I am a DDR maven - bet you wouldn't have guessed it. It's not that I'm good at it - it's that I love it so!
MP said…
Let's have a Wii party some day! How about a "Grease"-themed Wii party?! Won't that be fun?

- manoj

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