"Technology: It's Where the Jobs Are"

is today's headline on Yahoo! Finance. Lots of technology jobs are being created all over the US. But, and I have heard this from many people (including Manisha's company who cannot find qualified interns), not enough students are enrolling in computer-related fields:
...another survey, this one from the Computing Research Assn. and released in March, found a 20% drop in the number of students completing degrees in computer-related fields, and the number of students enrolling in these programs is the lowest it's been in 10 years, as far back as the data go.
Apparently the numbers in computer-related fields started dropping after the Internet bust of 2001 and have kept plummeting even though the number of jobs is growing. Just adds to my conviction that 18-year-old and cluless kids should not be going to college! It's all wasted on them. Do a job, travel, volunteer, get a clue - then go to college...


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