Wind Farming Anyone?
I was researching starting a wind-farm and came across this primer from the American Wind Energy Association. Item #4 states:
Establish Access To Capital: Building a wind farm is not cheap. On average, wind power development costs around $1 million per megawatt (MW) of generating capacity installed. To take advantage of economies of scale, wind power facilities should be in excess of 20 MW. Assuming theaverage wind turbine is rated at 750 kilowatts (kW) in capacity, this means the installation of at least 26 turbines and an initial investment of $20 million dollars.
That is not the scale I want to operate on right now. I want to focus on becoming energy independent first. I will keep my dreams of wind-farming for the future...
It will be interesting to see serious technological gains in either, but I don't see anything on the immediate horizon.
Me? I'm thinking about using a mobius strip in some fascinating, large scale way.
As to the "land and resource intensive" part, I'd leave that to the market to solve...