Energy and Politics

Interesting opinion piece in NY Times. It ends with:

If only we had a Congress and president who, instead of chasing crazy schemes like offshore drilling and releasing oil from our strategic reserve, just sat down with Boone [Pickens] and Shai [Agassi, whose company is starting an electric car revolution in Israel] and asked one question: “What laws do we need to enact to foster 1,000 more like you?” Then just do it, and get out of the way.

I'd submit that we already know all the information we need. And I would definitely not sit down with individual entrepreneurs. Congress already sits down with too many special interest groups as it is. How about sitting down with Nobel Laureates in Economics? For starters I'd recommend James M. Buchanan, founded the discipline of public choice, a melding of economics and political science. How about getting the Federal Government more and more out of our economic way?


Lynne said…
While I know you are busy with your housework, I am herein tagging you with the Six Things About Me meme. If you've already done it, could you please point to it for me. If not, just post 6 things about you that are not common knowledge.

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