Random Six
I was tagged a while back by LB at 3-Ring Binder. Finally inspiration struck me, so here it is.
The rules are:
The rules are:
- Link to the person who tagged you. (done)
- Post the rules on your blog. (done)
- Write 6 random things about yourself. (below)
- Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post. (thinking about it)
- Let each person know he/she has been tagged. (will do when #4 is done)
- Let the tagger know when your entry is up. (done)
So here are 6 random things about me:
- I have a nickname: Robin. Legend has it, when my mother was pregnant with me, my older brother was into Robin Hood. Apparently, he said we will call the baby Robin if he's a boy and Marianne if a girl. All my relatives call me Robin.
- I had a nickname at IIT: Nonlinearcharacteristix. Inspired by the Asterix series obviously.
- Doo-wop - especially acappella - music really speaks to me (and SING ME, it says). It's not the most sophisticated musically or lyrically (these are basically teenage boys singing about love after all!), but there is a certain purity and directness in that music. I want to start my own group modeled after The Alley Cats, my favorite doo-wop quartet.
- I love the Andrews Sisters. They had such style and such powerful singing. In fact, I would LOVE to recreate their songs. I will get a soprano and an alto (who also love this music), and I will sing the lowest part. We will have a great backup band and we will perform everywhere and publish albums. (It all starts with dreaming, right?)
- In 1985 I climbed to the top of Mount Phawrarang (near Tibet, on the Indian side) with a team of students from IIT. Height: 20,820 ft.
- In 1999 I held an exhibition of my art (mostly pastels, abstract expressionistic) at Border's in Nashua.
Now whom to tag? This is going to take some time...
And BTW, you have plenty of talent (singing and writing for sure)...