Learning from Aseem
I have been observing Aseem of late as he has been learning to whistle and to blow up a chewing-gum bubble (which he has just mastered in front of my eyes!). We adults in general have a lot to learn from him. His secret? Single-mindedness. All he does is focus on his goal and then he keeps at it relentlessly. This one obsession fills his mind and there is no room for anything else. Especially absent is any type of second-guessing (what Timothy Gallwey, of Inner Game fame, calls Self 1 or the critical self), such as,
- Why do I want to do this?
- This is so stupid.
- I must be stupid if I can't even master this little thing.
- I hope nobody is watching.
- Does this make me look stupid/fat/weird?
- If I was smart I'd have mastered this quickly.
- If I was meant to do it it wouldn't have taken me so long.
- etc., etc.
He is 100% engaged on the task at hand. He is 100% in Flow. As a result, he masters what he sets out to do and has a good time doing it. We all could learn from him.