Real Age
The premise behind RealAge ("Live Life to the Youngest") is that you control how old you "really" are. RealAge is the biological age of your body, based on lifestyle, genetics, and medical history. Depending on how well you take care of yourself, your RealAge might be years younger -- or older -- than the calendar indicates.
Being a numbers-guy, I love this site because it quantifies all the latest research about longevity using a very detailed questionnaire (medical history, family history, blood pressure, diet, exercise etc.) about you to calculate your RealAge. I also like it because it tells me that my RealAge is almost 8 years lower than my chronological age! It also gives recommendations about lowering it further. For example, for me they are:
- increase fruit and vegetable consumption
- drive a little slower (at the speed limit instead of 5-9 miles higher as I am prone to!)
- eat more fish
- increase HDL
- eat more lycopene
- floss every day
Please go to and take the test. It could be the best thing you did about your health this year.
I am also a big fan of Real Age, and the Real Age docs: Oz and Roizen. In fits and starts I am attempting to integrate their suggestions into my everyday life.
It's all good.