
I just did 1.2 miles of running! The first few steps were easy. Then it got more difficult and I had to start using my will-power to get thru that patch. I knew it would get (somewhat) easier, and it did. Once I passed the halfway point I knew I will finish the distance without walking or slowing down. Not bad for not having run for about 25 years. I will do the same route a few times and then I will be ready for 5K, which is my goal for this year.


Anonymous said…
Good for you! If you were able to go a full mile on your first run, a 5K will be no problem for you this summer.

I went out yesterday and did a nice, tortoise-like pace for 3 miles. My legs ached at one point and at another I thought I was going to get too winded, but I pushed through and finished. I haven't jogged in months, but I think last fall's training will come in handy as I try to get back in shape. I'm a little stiff today, though. 8-)
MP said…
Hi Lori,

Thanks for your support. My legs feel a little stiff right now, about 4 1/2 hours later. I am going to take a couple of ibuprofens, and I think I am going to be OK. I'll let you know tomorrow ;)

- manoj

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