How Much to Eat

Michael Pollan advises us in "In Defense of Food":
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

Inspired by the book I am making a few changes to my eating habits. I am a fairly good handle on the first and third parts of the advice. Now I want to tackle the middle one. Pollan lists a few recomendations by Brian Wansink (Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More than We Think - wait, that's me!). He is right - they are "vaguely insulting to your sense of yourself as a creature in possession of free will" ! But I know better. Unless I change something, nothing is going to change. So here's what I am going to try to do:

  • Use smaller plates to eat from: Apparently the human tendency (not my kids' though!) is to keep eating until all your food is gone.
  • Eat slower. It takes 20 minutes for the feeling of satiation to travel from your stomach to the brain. So eating has to last longer than that!
  • Eat at the kitchen table.
  • I also want to get used to the feeling of 80% full. I realize that I do not know how to tell that!

This is going to be my experiment to increase my enjoyment of food and eat less at the same time. Stay tuned...


Lynne said…
I've wanted to read the Pollan book for a while. Even if you've learned it elsewhere, it's always good to be reminded of the nutritional value of food and mindful eating habits.

If you own the book, may I borrow it?
MP said…
No, I don't own the book. A friend lent it to me. A very worthwhile read. Highly recommended...

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